
Gode tubajokes

Hvor mange tubaspillere skal der til at skifte en elektrisk pære ?Fem - en holder pæren mens de fire andre drikker øl indtil hele lokalet drejer rundt !

Det var to tubaister, der gik forbi et værtshus..!

Tubaisten kunne ikke komme til prøven, da han havde fået tubakulose.

Hvis det banker på din dør, hvordan kan du så vide, hvis det er en tubaspiller ?Bankelyden taber tempo !

Hvordan reparer man en tuba?Med en tuba lim!

Why did the tuba player ask the director if he could go to the bathroom?Because he had "p" all over his paper.

Why did the tuba player switch to the drums?Because he couldn't read the music.

A tuba player died and went to heaven. There he met St.Peter who gave him the finest selection of tubas ever. After he selected one St. Peter told him that rehearsal for the Angel Band was in five minetes. When he had finished warming up God stepped on the podium dressed in a late 1800's Marine's uniform. Being a Sousa fan, he was very upset over this. He promptly asked the person next to him, pointing at the podium, "Who does he think he is John Philip Sousa?" The man misunderstanding where the tuba player was pointing, said, "No, that is Stephen Colins Foster, Sousa is sitting in with the saxophones today."

How do you raise the town's IQ?Shoot the tuba player

How many tubas does it take to change a light bulb?5, one to change the bulb, 4 to complain how high it is.

What did the tuba player get on his test?Drool.